Press Releases

August 8, 2013

Press Release – Strengthen the Body to Heal the Mind: Exercise can Make a Huge Difference in Easing Depression and Stress


Take the Grunt out of Strength Training for a Serene, Soothing Workout

Jeff Rutstein asks readers to forget the pumping-iron image about weightlifting. In his new book, Rutstein on Fitness: Strengthening the Body to Heal the Mind, he outlines a workout program from beginner to advanced that is geared as much toward soothing the mind as it is for sculpting the body.

From steroid abuser to fitness specialist, Jeff Rutstein has developed a unique exercise program, one that eschews the “no pain, no gain” philosophy of most gyms and the atmosphere that got him in trouble early in his weightlifting career.

Rutstein describes his early years as a weightlifter, addicted to body building, alcohol, street drugs, and steroids all at the same time. When he quit them all cold turkey, his resting pulse rate was recorded at 144, heart-attack level, and he was lucky to live. After recovering, he fell into a deep depression. Slowly, using exercises he now calls “mindful movements,” he discovered that a light workout, more meditative than exhausting, created a mind-body connection that eventually gave him back his self-esteem.

“The story of Jeff’s rise from personal adversity and a severe substance abuse problem, to great success as a personal trainer, is truly inspiring. However, to call this an exercise book would be akin to calling an F-15 jet fighter a nice little plane. Jeff has integrated an approach to fitness which recognizes the interface between mind and body. Rutstein on Fitness is a terrific exposition of his technique and well worth reading by anyone who has an interest in obtaining optimal health and improving their emotional life,” says Alexander Vuckovic, M.D., medial director of the Pavilion at McLean Hospital.

Rutstein, in addition to his own inspiring story, tells about a number of clients who come from all walks of life with a variety of needs fulfilled through this exercise program. He describes how it helped them:

  • Feel mentally relaxed, reduce stress, sleep better
  • See a measurable progress of body strength and improved quality of life
  • Replace compulsive eating habits with a healthy appetite
  • Reclaim physical control coupled with self-confidence and self-esteem

Harrison G. Pope, Jr., M.D., professor of psychiatry at Harvard Medical School and co-author of The Adonis Complex, agrees with the mindful movements philosophy, “Jeff’s striking story and his experience with many clients, illustrate the tremendous psychiatric benefits of a rational exercise program.”

Rutstein was named a distinguished personal trainer by American Fitness, an Outstanding Fitness Leader by Reebok Instructor News, “The Best Samaritan” by American Health, and is a Master Level Personal Trainer according to the International Dance and Exercise Association (IDEA). In 1990, he founded Feel Good Personal Fitness, a subdued, relaxed fitness center where he provides personal strength-training, based on mindful movements, for his clients.

“In my program, exercisers don’t feel exhausted afterwards or sore the next day, just more relaxed and mentally fit. The physical rewards will follow,” explains Rutstein. He outlines a four-week exercise program combining aerobic and strength-training exercises that use light resistance bands or dumbbells and shows individuals how to set their own goals and pace. Step-by-step directions for the stretches and exercises are illustrated with photographs and include tips for getting the best workout. Rutstein also explains how diet affects mood and presents suggestions for healthy eating. This kinder, gentler workout program sculpts the body while sculpts feelings of self-worth and serenity.

Rutstein on Fitness: Strengthening the Body to Heal the Mind, by Jeff Rutstein, Publisher: Feel Good Personal Fitness, ISBN: 0-9760170-1-6, US $14.95, paperback 240 pages, 75 pictures, bibliography, and index. Available on the Web, at: www.FeelGoodExercise. For author interviews contact Jeff Rutstein, Feel Good Personal Fitness Publishing at 617-699-4427 or

Contact: Jeff Rutstein
(o) 617-232-1107
(c) 617-699-4427


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